Data Compression

ref:data compression complete reference managing compression introduction of data compression


  • This is the process of converting an input data stream (source / original raw data) into another data stream (output / bitstream / compressed) that has a smaller size.
  • a stream is either a file or buffer in memory
  • Data compression aims to counter
    • inevatability of storage overflow
    • eliminate wait time of data transfers
  • Also known as source coding.
  • source can either be memoryless or it can have memory.
  • All data compression techniques are based on the same principle, i.e remove redundancy form original data.
  • Any non-random data has some structure that can be exploited to achieve a smaller representation of the data, where no structure is discernable.
  • General law
    • assing short codes to common events and long codes to rare events
  • The redundancies in data depend on the type of data(text, images, sound ) which is why a new compression method has to be developed for a specific type of data and it performs best on this type of data.
  • No such thing as a universal, efficient data compression algorithm.
  • What is the SP theory?(simplicity and power)
  • Broad categories of data compression
    • Run Length Encoding
    • Statistical methods
    • Dictionary-based methods
    • Transforms