Computational Structures


  • Digital design
    • Combinatorial and Sequential circuits
  • Computer Architecture
    • Assembly language, processors, caches, pipelining
  • Computer systems
    • operating systems, virtual memory, I/O
  • Abstractions let us reason about behaviour while shielding us from the details of the implementation.
  • Implementation technologies can evolve while preserving the engineering investment at higher levels
  • E.g, Virtual machines, Instruction set + memory, Digital circuits, Bits and Logic gates.

Role of Computer Architect

  • Look backward(to the past)

    • Understand tradeoffs and designs, upsides/downsides, past workloads.
    • Analyze and evaluate the past.
  • Look forward(to the future)

    • Be the dreamer and create new designs, listen to dreamers.
    • Push the state of the art.
    • Evaluate new design choices.
  • Look up(towards problems in the computing stack)

    • Understand important problems and their nature.
    • Develop architectures and ideas to solve important problems.
  • Look down(towards device/circuit technology)

    • Understand the capabilities of the underlying technology.
    • Predict and adapt to the future of technology(you are designing for N years ahead).
    • Enable the future technology.
  • One needs to consider many things in designing a new system + have good intuition/insight into ideas/tradeoffs

  • Problem ->Algorithm ->Program/Language ->Runtime System(VM,OS,MM) ->ISA(Architecture) ->Microarchitecture ->Logic ->Circuits ->Electrons

  • Breaking the abstraction layers(between components and transformation hierarchy levels)and knowing what is underneath enables you to solve problems and design better future systems.

  • Cooperation between multiple components and layers can enable more effective solutions and systems.

Reference Papers

  • Memory Performance Attacks: Denial of Memory Service in Multi-Core Systems.
  • Stall-Time Fair Memory Access Scheduling for Chip Multiprocessors
  • Reducing Memory Interference in Multicore Systems via Application-Aware Memory Channel Partitioning.
  • Retention Aware Intelligent DRAM refresh.
  • Memory Scaling A systems architecture perspective
  • Improving DRAM performance by parallelizing refreshes with accesses.

Digital Abstraction

  • Microprocessors are the building blocks of computer systems, understanding them is crucial even if you don't like h/w.
  • Designs are always expressed in a high-level programming which is compiled to generate circuit descriptions.
  • Analog vs Digital systems
    • continuous signals vs discrete symbols
    • digital tolerate noise while analog noise accumulate
  • Noise margins
    • A digital device accepts marginal inputs and provides unquestionable outputs(to leave room for noise)
    • digital systems are restorative.
    • cancelling nose requires active components, components that inject energy into the system.
    • noise margins should be positive.
  • Voltage transfer characteristic
    • buffer: a simple digital device that copies its input value to its output.
    • vtc does not tell you anything about how fast a device is, measures static behaviour not dynamic behaviour.
  • Digital circuits
    • combinational circuits
      • does not have memory
      • each output is a function of current input values.
      • Inverter, AND
    • sequential circuits
      • have memory
      • each output depends on current input and memory values.

Combinational Devices

  • This is a circuit element that has

    • one or more digital inputs
    • one or more digital outputs
    • a functional specification that details the value of each output for every possible combination of valid input values.
    • a timing specification consisting at a minimum of a propagation delay, an upper bound on the required time to produce valid, stable output values from an arbitarary set of valid, stable input values.
    • above referred to as static discipline.
  • A set of interconnected elements is a combinational device if

    • each circuit element is combinational
    • every input is connected to exactly one output or to a constant(0 or 1)
    • the circuit contains no directed cycles.
  • Functional specifications

    • Systematic approaches
      • Truth tables - enumerateoutput values for all possible combinations of input values.
        • Equivalence and normal form
          • Write a sum of product terms where each term covers a single 1 in the truth table, called the function's normal form.
          • Corollary, boolean expressions can represent any combinational function.
      • Boolean expressions - are equations containing binary variables and three operations, and, or, not
        • Duality principle, if a boolean expression is true then replacing 0 <--> 1 and AND <-->OR yields another expression that is true.
        • Boolean properties
          • Commutative
          • Associative
          • Distributive
          • Complements
          • Absorption
          • Reduction
          • DeMorgan's Law
    • Any combinational function can be specified as a truth table or Boolean expression.
  • Boolean Algebra to Gates

    • Logic diagram represents a Boolean expression as a circuit schematic with logic gates and wires.
    • AND, NOT, OR are universal.
    • Straightforward Logic synthesis
      • We can implement any sum-of-products Boolean expression with three levels of gates, inverters, and, or
      • However, we can often implement same function with fewer gates.
    • A minimum sum-of-products is a sum of products expression that has the smallest possible number of AND and OR operators.
    • Reduction of terms
    • Use of dont care in the truth tables
    • Multi-level boolean simplification
  • Logic Optimization

    • In practice, tools use boolean simplification and other techniques to synthesize a circuit that meets certain area, delay and power goals.
    • Synthesizing an optimized circuit is a very complex problem.
      • Boolean simplification
      • Mapping to cell libraries with many gates
      • Multidimensional tradeoffs.
    • Infeasible to do by hand, hence h/w designers write circuits in a HDL and use a synthesis tool to derive optimized implementations.
  • Other Gates

    • XOR(Exclusive-OR)
    • NAND and NOR, inverting logic, universal too.
  • Standrd Cell Library

    • Library of gates and their physical characteristics.
    • Observations
      • In current technology, CMOS, inverting gates are faster and smaller
      • Delay and area grow with number of inputs.
    • Design tradeoffs, delay vs size.
  • Boolean Algebra and Arithmetic

    • Numbers can be represented in binary notation and arithmetic can be performed on binary numbers.
    • Binary arithmetic has one-to-one correspondence with Boolean algebra, thus all arithmetic operations can be expressed as Boolean or combinational circuits.
    • Combinational logic for an adder
      • Half adder: adds two 1-bit numbers and produces a sum and a carry bit.
      • Full adder: adds two one-bit numbers and a carry and produces a sum bit and a carry bit
      • Cascade FAs to perform binary addition.
    • Describe 32-bit adder.
    • Muxes and Multiplexer.
      • if a and b are n-bit wide then this structure is replicated n times; s is the same input for all the replicated structures.
      • gate level implementations??
      • n -way mux can be implemented using n-1 two-way muxes.
    • Logical shifts
      • can get away with log n shifters, shift n can be broken down itno log n steps of fixed-length shifts of size 1, 2, 4
      • i.e for a 32-bit number, a 5-bit n can specify all the needed shifts.
  • Binary Arithmetic

    • conversion from decimal to binary, subtract largest power of 2 until 0.
    • Hexadecimal, base-16, each group of 4 adjacent bits is encoded as a single hexadecimal digit.
  • Binary Modular arithmetic

    • If we use a fixed number of bits, addition and other operations may produce results outside the range that the output can represent, overflow
    • Common approach
      • Ignore the extra bit, modular arithmetic, with N-bit numbers, equivalent to following all operations with mode 2^N, visually "wrap around".
  • Encoding Negative Integers

    • We use sign-magnitude representation for decimal numbers, encoding the number's sign separately from its magnitude.
    • Circuits for addition and subtraction are different and more complex than with unsigned numbers.
  • Two's complement encoding

    • The high-order bit of the n-bit representation has negative weight.
    • Negative numbers have 1 in the high-order bit.
    • Encodes negative integers while preserving the simplicity of unsigned arithmetic.
    • To negate a number, we invert all the bits and add one.
      • Why does this work??
  • Binary multiplication is simply repeated addition.

  • Design tradeoffs in hardware design

    • Each function allows many implementations with widely different delay, area and power tradeoffs.
    • Choosing the right algorithms is key to optimizing your design.
      • Tools cannot compensate for an inefficient algorithm.
  • Carry-Select Adder trades area for speed.

  • Carry-Lookahead Adders(CLAs), compute all carry bits in 0log n delay.

    • Transofrm chain of carry computations into a tree.
    • Useful beyond adders, computes any one-dimensional bianry recurrence in 0log n delay, comparators, priority encoders.
  • Carry generation and propagation.

    • Generate and propagate compose hierarchically.
  • Carry-lookahead adders perform addition with modest area cost, this technique can be used to optimize a broad class of circuits.