
Design systems

  • Set of design standards used to build an ecosystem of products

    • Technical specs
    • Desing tokens
    • Documentation
    • Principles
    • Processes
  • Pattern Library

    • Visual and interactive aspect of components that enable standardizations to minimize discrepancies
      • Templates
      • Layout
      • Interactions
      • Code snippets
      • Components
  • Style guide

    • Visual style, tone and voice
      • Colors
      • Typography
      • Icons
      • Logos
      • Illustrations
      • Brand guidelines
  • Key parts of a design system

    • Principles
      • clear opinionated values teams believe in.
    • Foundations
      • accessibility
      • color
        • assess vs needs
      • typography
        • aim for consistency
        • type scales
      • elevation
      • iconography
        • functional and recognizable
      • grids,layout and spacing
        • breakpoints
      • patterns
    • Documentation
      • communicates purpose of all aspects of the design aspects and how best to apply them.
      • can be anything from articles and guides to individual component notes.
      • category/use/variation
    • Processes
      • mechanics and governance of managing design system
  • UX(user experience) design

    • information architecture - easily find what they looking for.
    • user pyschology
    • usability testing
    • content strategy
    • wireframes
    • interaction design.
  • UI(user interface) design

    • color.
    • typography.
    • spacing.
    • sizing.
    • shape.
  • Project brief

    • Get the who, what and why of the project straight from the service-customer.
  • Wireframes

    • Low fidelity versions of the final design.
  • Color Theory

    • Types of color

      • Primary
      • Secondary
      • Tertiary
    • Terms

      • Hue - dominant color
      • Tint / Shades / Tones - Add white / Add black / Add grey
      • Saturation - Rich or dullness
    • Color models

      • CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and black. (used esp for printing)
      • RGB - Red, Green, Blue
      • HSB - Hue, Saturation, Brightness
      • Hexadecimal - ##rrggbb
    • Color psychology

      • understand different emotions evoked by colors
      • *not an absolute science
    • Color Harmonies

      • Which colors go well together with the primary.
      • use color.adobe/color-wheel, muzli-color, webgradients
      • color contrasts aid in accessibility.
  • Typography

    • Fonts
      • Google and Adobe fonts.
      • Understand your brand and audience.
      • Test effect of size on font.
      • Font attributes(size, weight, family) and roles(where they will be used)
      • Type scales.
  • Spacing and sizing

    • Good for visual hierarchy
    • 8pt system
    • Grid system vs Rulers and guide systems.
  • Icons and Images.

Parts of a webpage

  • Header.

    • top section of a page
    • contains logo, navigation menu, call-to-action and optionally a search form.
  • Hero section.