

  • Virtualization software
  • Makes developing and deploying applications much easier.
  • Packages apps with all their dependecies, configuration, system tools and runtime.
  • Standardizes process of running any service on any dev environment.

Docker Architecture.

  • Virtualizes the application layer of the operating system as opposed to the Vm which virtualizes the kernle layer.
  • Docker Engine
    • a server that is running dockerd
    • manages images and containers
  • Docker CLI - Client
    • cli to interact with docker server.
  • Docker Images
    • an executable application artifact
    • includes app spurce code, but also complete configuration
    • add environment variables, create directories and files
  • Docker Containers
    • running instance of an image
    • can run multiple containers from one container
  • Docker Registry
    • repository of docker images with their corresponding tags
    • docker pull image_name or docker run immediately
  • Docker port binding
    • forward container port to our network port