ref: Learning eBPF

What and Why

  • This a kernel technology that allows developers to write custom code that can be loaded into the kernel dynamically, changing the way the kernel behaves.

  • This enables a new generation of highly performant networking, observability and security tools. i.e

    • Performance tracing of pretty much any aspect of the system.
    • High-performance networking, with built0in visibility
    • Detecting and optionally preventing malicious activity.
  • It came to stand for Berkeley Packet Filter, introduced in linux in 1997, where it was used in the tcpdump utility as an efficient way to capture packets to be traced out.

  • ref paper: The BSD packet filter:New Architecture for User-level packet capture

  • later evolved to extended BPF, eBPF

  • kprobes

    • allows traps to be set on almost any instruction in the kernel code.
    • developers could write kernel modules that attached functions to kprobes for debugging or performance measurement purposes.
  • Ability to attach eBPF programs to kprobes added and revolutionized tracing on Linux.

  • LSM(Linux Security Module) BPF

  • Use strace to see how system calls an application makes, i.e strace -c echo "hello".

  • Because applications rely heavily on the kernel, we can learn more about how they behaves if we can observe its interactions with the kernel.

  • eBPF allows us to add instrumentation into the kernel to get these insights.

  • Kernel Modules

    • loaded and unloaded on demand
    • easy way to change how a kernel behaves.
    • can be distributed for use independent of official Linux release.
    • One downside is that if they crash, it takes down the machine and everything running in it.
  • The system call for interacting with the eBPF is bpf(), helper functions start with bpf_ with the different types of eBPF programs starting with BPF_PROG_TYPE.

  • eBPF comes with eBPF verifier which ensures programs are loaded only when it is safe to run, no data compromise, no hard loop, won't crash machine.

  • eBPF programs can be dynamically loaded and unloaded form the kernel, once attached to an event they will be triggered by that event regardless of what caused the event.

  • This leads to one of the great strengths of observability or security tooling that uses eBPF, it instantly gets visibility over everything happening on the machine.

  • In environments running containers, this included visibility over all processes running inside those containers as well as on the host machine.

  • eBPF programs are a very efficient way to add instrumentation, once loaded and JIT-compiled the program runs as native machine instructions on the CPU.

  • Additionally, there is no need to incur the cost of transitioning between kernel and user space to handle every event.

  • For performance tracing and security observability, relevant events can be filtered within the kernel before incurring the costs of sending them to user space.

  • eBPF programs can collect information about all manner of events across a system and they can use complex, customized programmatic filters to send only the relevant subset of information to user space.

  • eBPF in Cloud Native Environments, containers, k8s, ECS, Lambda, Cloud functions, Fargate, all use automation to determine which server to run.

  • Each of those servers has a kernel, even in containers, they share a kernel, all containers in all pods on a given too share a kernel, so all workloads can be visible to eBPF instrumented tools.

  • Contrast this with the sidecar model, used to add logging, tracing, security and service mesh functionality into K8s, here instrumentation is run as an 'injectable' container into each application pod.

  • Downsides of the sidecar approach

    • Application pod has to be restarted.
    • Application YAML has to be modified.
    • Containers may reach readiness at different times.
    • Latency addition for network functionality.