Functional Programming

ref: Haskell for Imperative programmers: Philipp Hagenlocher Haskell Beginners: chshersh


  • Declarative definitions of transformations as opposed to mutations.
  • Problems are solved via composing.
  • Chain of transformations over input.
  • Desired outcomes
    • Pure (mathematical) functions
    • Immutable Data
    • No/Less side-effects
    • Declarative
    • Easier to verify
    • Lazy evaluated
    • Abstract Data Types

Function definition

  • name arg1, arg2, arg3 ... =
  • functions have types
  • let and where bindings...lazy evaluated
  • can write functions in infix notation style


  • there are no while and for loops, use recursion
  • can use Guards in place of if...then

Pattern matching


Lists and Tuples

  • lists should be of the same type.
    • lists functions
  • list comprehension
  • tuple types don't have to be the same.

Higher Order functions and Anonymous functions

  • Map
  • functions that take in other functions as arguments.
  • partial function application and currying
  • function composition