Frontend Development
Understand and document the important concepts in front end development
- Client side vs Server side rendering.
- Understand metrics that matter.
- What is good performance.
- MPA(multi-page applications) vs SPA(single page environments).
- Server environments and runtimes(js)
- State Management.
Frontend Frameworks
what problem do they solve, alternatives, choosing
- Change in application state requires a update rerender of the User Interface.
- Reduce complexity involved in working with the DOM. / make elements, change properties, put el in other els, get them on page, handle user interactions,.
- Introduce a declarative approach to building UIs.
- Frameworks come with tooling that helps with testing, linting among other functions.
- Compartmentalization.
- Routing. (server-side routing vs client-side routing)
Rendering Strategies.
Where and How should it be rendered?? Client or Server, Partially or Progressively
Choosing the correct pattern could lead to faster builds and excellent loading performance at low processing costs.
To create great UX, usually try to optimize for user-centric metrics such as Core Web Vitals(CWV).
CWV metrics measure parameters most relevant to user experience and optimizing it can help ensure a great user experience and optimal SEO for our apps.
For great DX, we have to optimize our development environments by ensuring faster build times, easy rollbacks, scalable infrastructure, low server costs, dynamic content ad reliable uptime
Important to remember that every pattern was designed to address specific use cases, can be likely that different rendering patterns are required for pages on the same site.
Client-Side Rendering.
- render individual pages all in the client's browser.
- use web apis provided by modern browsers.
- poor seo as se don't execute js.
- CSR resulted in large Js bundles which increased the FCP and TTI of the page.
- load can get huge as js is being executed hence splash screens.
- entire web application is loaded on first request, no new request for rendering the pages.
- Hence allows us to have SPA that support navigation without page refresh and provides a great user experience.
- Allows for clear separation of client side and server side code.
- Pitfalls
- SEO considerations
- Performance - initial load times affected.
- Code maintainability
- Data Fetching - increase load/interaction time of the application.
- Optimizations
- Budgeting Javascript - tight js budget for your initial page loads, 100kb-170kb.
- Preloading - preload critical resources earlier in page lifecycle.
- Lazy loading - non-critical resources loaded when needed.
- Code splitting - lazy-load js resources
- Application shell caching with service workers - mostly offline.
Server-Side Rendering.
- computes all html before responding and delivering a full page.
- connect and fetch operations are handled on the server, HTML required to format the content is also generated on the server.
- avoid making roundtrips for data fetching and templating, thus rendering code is not required on the client and Js need not be sent to the client.
- every request is treated and processed differently.
- provided additional budget for client-side Javascript
- full page reloads required for some interactions.
- React for the server
- ReactDOMServer.renderToString(element)
- used with ReactDOM.hydrate() - rendered html is preserved as is on the client and only event handlers attached after load.
- implemented with a .js file both on client and server, with server rendering it and client hydrating it.
- seo friendly.
- ideal for highly dynamic and personalized pages that are different for every user.
- content is unique and should not be cached by the CDN.
- most metrics are fast.
- ttb slower as all computations are done.
- Optimizations
- execution time of getServersideprops
- deploy database in same region as functions.
- add cache-control headers
- upgrade server hardware.
- Edge SSR + HTTP streaming.
- Streaming also enables React Server Components, thus allowing for a good hybrid between static and server rendering.
- rendertoNodeStream() -allows us to send our application in smaller chunks.
- Performance improvements - TTFB
- Handles backpressure
- Support SEO.
Static Site Generation.
- Precomputes dynamic pages up front.
- all metrics served well too.
- lower costs too and excellent scalability.
- changes require rebuilding of the site.
- Variations
- Basic/Plain Static Rendering.
- little to no dynamic content.
- no layout shift and fast LCP and FCP.
- goes extremely wel with CDN for caching.
- Static Rendering with Client-Side fetch
- best for when you want to update some data on every request.
- good TTFB and FCP but LCP is sub-optimal.
- possibility of layout shifts
- High server costs
- Static with getStaticProps
- allow us to generate HTML with data on the server
- Incremental Static Regeneration
- allows us to pre-render only certain static pages and render the dynamic pages on-demand when user requests them.
- results in shorter build times and allows automatic invalidation of the cache and regeneration of the page after a specific interval.
- can use a revalidate field to control how the landing page gets refreshed.
- stale-while-revalidate strategy.
- On-demand Incremental Static Regeneration
- solves the ISR of that not every page needs to be regenerated and its cache invalidated.
- this occurs on certain events rather than on fixed intervals, i.e on new data availability.
- Basic/Plain Static Rendering.
Progressive Hydration
- Hydration - attaching of listeners and handlers
- Individually hydrate the nodes over time, making it possible to request only minimum js.
- Also allow for prioritization of nodes.
- Provide great performance by activating your app in chunks.
- Reduce bundle size
- Requirements for hollistic progressive hydration
- allows usage of SSR for all components.
- supports splitting of code into individual components or chunks.
- supports client-side hydration of these chunks in a developer defined sequence.
- does not block user input on chunks that are already hydrated.
- allows usage of some sort of a loading indicator for chunks with deferred hydration.
- Reacr concurrent mode - allow React to work on different tasks and switch between them based on a given priority.
Hybrid rendering strategies.
- universal/isomorphic apps, hydration and client-side fetching.
React Server Components
- aim is to enable modern UX with a server-driven mental model.
Selective Hydration
- pipeToNodeStream()
Islands Architecture
- encourages small, focused chunks of interactivity within server-rendered web pages.
- aims to reduce the volume of Js shipped via islands of interactivity that can be independently delivered on top of otherwise static HTML.
View Transitions
- chrome
- Helps build complex and tricky interfaces by organizing your interface into three key concepts; -
- Components
- js functions that accept input(props) and return react elements describing what should be displayed on the screen.
- Props
- refer to the internal data of a component in React.
- determine value of prop before component building
- props are read-only
- State.
- object that holds some information that may change over the lifetime of the component.
- current snapshot of data stored in a component's props.
- data may change over time so techniques to manage the way data changes become necessary hence state management.
- variable initialized and managed by the component.
- Lifecycle
- every react component goes through three stages; mounting, rendering and dismounting.
- series of events that occur during these three stages can be referred to as component lifecyle.
- render(), componentDidMount(), componentWillMount(), shouldComponentUpdate(), componentDidUpdate()
- Higher Order Components
- takes in a component and returns a component
- Context
- share data between components without explicitly passing down props through every level of hierarchy.
- React Hooks
- functions that let you hook into React state and lifecycle features from functional components.
- let you use state and other React features without writing a class.
- Components
- Composition-based hence perfectly map to your design system.
- Time to First Byte (TTFB)
- Used to determine the load on the server and the network between client and server.
- time it takes a client to receive the first byte of page content.
- First Paint.
- Included TTFB and the computation client has to do before rendering job.
- First Contentful Paint
- Marks time browser takes to render the first text or image after navigation.
- Largest contentful Paint
- Time until user sees expected results/main page content.
- Time to Interactive
- Time taken for page to go from loading to fully interactive.
- Cumulative Layout Shift
- measures visual stability to avoid unexpected layout shift
- First Input Delay
- Time from when user interacts with the page to the time when the event handlers are able to run.
State Management
- Scalars(booleans,numbers,strings) vs References(objects, arrays) handled differently.
- useState, useReducer, useMemo, useCallback, useEffect, useRef
- Context and Custom hooks.
- Libraries: Zustand, Valtio, Jotai
Source Maps
- Provides a way of mapping code within a compressed file back to its original position in a source file.
- Undos the from Module -> Compiler -> Assets process.
- Browsers parse it to give back an almost accurate representation of the code, i.e debugging, stack traces.
- Not automatically donwloaded or included with web pages.
- Transpilation too.
- Base64 VLQ
- Optimized to make it easier to have mapping between big numbers and corresponding information in source maps.
- A line of code is represented in a series of segments
Patterns for Web Apps
- Routing
- Server
- Client
- Hybrid
- Rendering
- Client-side
- SSR(streaming, async, shell)
- Static
- Hydration
- Eager
- Full
- Replayable
- Progressive
- Load, Bundle/Serialize, Execute on load
Computational Caching
- Pure Functions
- for a given set of parameters they always return the same value
- do not trigger side effects
- Memoization
- result caching in process
- Serialization and Hashing
- serialization: turning data into sth that can be stored.
- hashing: taking data and scrambling it.
- Persistence
- saving to disk.
Performance Patterns
- critical gap between developer expectations and how the browser prioritizes resources on the page.
- Causes of gap
- Sub-optimal sequencing.
- understand metrcis well and what they stand for and the order of occurence.
- FCP before LCP before FID, hence resources should be allocated in that order too.
- Network/CPU utilization
- Third-party products.
- Platform quirks
- different browser prioritization.
- HTTP2 prioritization
- Resource level optimization
- Sub-optimal sequencing.
- Resource-wise recommendations
- Critical CSS.
- Fonts
- Above the Fold images
- Below the Fold images
- 3P Js
- Static Import
- import code exported by another module via import keyword.
- Dynamic Import
- dynamically import components using React Suspense.
- lazy() keyword.
- loadable components
- Import on visibility
- intersectionObserver API
- react-loadable-visibility
- Import on interaction
- load non-critical resources when user interacts with UI requiring it.
- ways to load different resources
- eager - load right away.
- lazy(route-based)
- lazy(on interaction)
- lazy(in viewport)
- prefetch - load prior to needed, but after critical resources are loaded.
- preload - eagerly with greater level of urgency.
- fake loading with a UI facade
- video embeds
- authentication
- chat widgets
- implemented using the dynamic import(), which enables lazy loading of modules and returns a promise.
- can combine it with the suspense component.
- uncanny valley- page looks ready but user unable to tap anything.
How does one get import-on-interaction right??
- Understand trade-offs
- Replacing interactive embeds with a static variant.
- Route-based splitting
- dynamically load components based on the current route.
- Bundle splitting
- split code into small reusable pieces.
how to efficiently do this??
- PRPL pattern
- Optimise initial load through precaching, lazy loading and minimizing roundtrips.
- main considerations
- pushing critical resources efficiently, which minimizes the amount of roundtrips to the server and reducing the loading time.
- rendering the initial route soon as possible to improve user experience.
- pre-caching assets in the background for frequently visited routes to minimize the amount of requests to the server and enable a better offline experience.
- lazily loading assets and routes that aren't frequently requested.
- uses service workers to cache resources.
- Tree Shaking
- reduce bundle size by eliminating dead code.
- web bundlers job.
- Preload
- inform the browser of critical resources before they are discovered.
- preload + async
- Prefetch
- fetch and cache resources that may be requested some time soon.
- only do this for necessary resources.
- Optimize loading third party
- reduce performance impact third-party scripts have on your site.
- List virtualization
- optimise list performance with list virtualization
- also known windowing i.e using react-virtualized or react-window.
look into the libraries above...very interesting concept
- CSS-content visibility works along the same lines.
- Compressing Javascript
- reduce time needed to transfer scripts over the network.
- Js is second biggest contributor to page size and the second most requested web resource after images.
- We use patterns that reduce transfer, load and execution time for Js to improve website performance.
- Can combine compression with other techniques such as minification, code-splitting, bundling, caching and lazy-loading though these techniques may be at odds sometime.
- Gzip and Brotli most common.
- Brotli offers better compression ratio.
- Next.js provides Gzip compression by default but recommends enabling it on proxy.
- Single large bundle gives better compression than multiple smaller ones.
- HTTP compression(Accept-Encoding Header -> Content Encoding)
- Minification - remove whitespace and unnecessary code.(Terser, Webpack)
- Static(ahead-of-time) vs Dynamic(on-the-fly) compression.
- Granularity trade-off
- Improve donwload speed
- Improve cache hits and caching efficiency
- Execute Fast
Granular chunking
Design Patterns
- Singleton Pattern
- share a single global instance throughout our application.
- use variable equal to a reference to instance when a new one is created.
- Object.freeze makes sure consuming code cannot modify singleton.
- Tradeoffs
- save on memory, as only one needed.
- singleton considered anti-pattern.
- testing is hard
- dependency hiding
- global behaviour
- State management in React, global state over singletons, read-only as opposed to mutable state of singleton.
- Proxy Pattern
- intercept and control interactions to target objects.
- new Proxy(obj, {get, set}), {} reps handler.
- useful to add validation.
- reflect built-in object to work with target object.
- formatting, notifications or debugging.
- not recommended for performance code.
- Provider Pattern
- make data available to multiple child components.
- createContext()
- value prop that can carry data to all components wrapped within this provider.
- useContext hook
- useful for sharing global data, i.e UI theme data.
- Major con is components have to consume the context to re-render on each state change
- Prototype Pattern
- share properties among many objects of the same type.
- easily let objects access and inherit properties from other objects.
- Container/Presentation Pattern
- enforce separation of concerns by separating view from the application logic.
- presentation - how vs container - what
- container elements pass data to presentational elements.
- Hooks though made this easier as they act as container elements themselves.
- Observer Pattern
- use observable to notify subscribers when an event occurs.
- subscribe certain objects, observers, to another object, observable.
- observable object contains 3 important parts
- observers - arrays of objects to be notified.
- subscribe()
- unsubscribe() - remove observers
- notify() - fire when event happens
- useful in asynchronous, event-based data.
- RxJs
- prone to complexity.
- Module Pattern
- split up your code into smaller, reusable pieces.
- named exports then import{} from where/they/are
- for cases of collision, we can use rename using as.
- could also use
default export
, although only one per module. - also import using * for all exports.
- dynamic import using import() which can receive expressions allowing for passing template literals.
- Mixin Pattern
- Add functionality to objects or classes without inheritance
- A mixin is an object we can use in order to add reusable functionality to another object or class without using inheritance.
- Mixins can't be used on their own.
- Object.assign(obj.prototype, mixin)
- Mediator/Middleware Pattern
- use a central mediator object to handle communication between components.
- prevent all objects from talking to every other object, many-to-many relationship
- HOC Pattern
- pass reusable logic down as props to components throughout your application
- logic can be styling components, authorization, adding global state.
- HOC is a component that receives another component, HOC contains logic that we want to apply to passed parameter component, returning component after applying logic.
- Render Props Pattern
- pass jsx elements to components through props.
- a render prop is a prop on a component, which value is a function that returns a JSX element.
- props.render()
- render props over lifting state
- Hooks Pattern
- use functions toreuse stateful logic among multiple components throughout the app.
- manage a component state and lifecycle methods
- make it possible to
- add state to functional component
- manage a component lifecyle without having to use lifecycle methods
- reuse the same stateful logic among multiple components throughout the app.
- add state using useState()
- [value, setValue] = useState(initValue);
- useEffect combines DidMount,DidUpdate,WillUnmount
- uses a dependancy array.
- Flyweight Pattern
- reuse existing isntances when working with identical objects.
- Factory Pattern
- use a factory function in order to create objects
- Compound Pattern
- create multiple components that work together to perform a single task.
- make one component a property of another component.
- Command Pattern
- decouple methods that execute tasks by sending commands to a commander.
- replace class methods with one that executes any command passed to it.