Colt Steele: Modern Javascript
Javascript tips from all over
Javascript - The good parts
How Javascript works
An important goal of programming language design is to produce a clean, logical language that composes well and is free of weird corner cases, Javascript came nowehere close to meeting that goal. - Douglas Crockford.
True mastery is shown by writing good programs that are readable, maintable and free of error - Same guy as quote above.
If a language feature is sometimes useful and sometimes dangerous and if there is a better option then always use the better option - still the same guy.
ECMAScript, TC39 Specification not implementation Browser compatibility - "Can I use" website
Primitive Types
Number, String, Boolean, Null and Undefined.
typeof - check type of variable.
- strings are immutable.
- indexed, zero indexed.
- has a property called length.
- string methods, .toUppercase(), .trim()
- an chain methods, .trim().toUppercase()
- some methods accept arguments, item.slice(), item.indexOf("args"), item.replace()
Escape characters
Template Literals use
You owe me ${9+0}
Null - intentional absence of value.
Undefined - not intentional but absent still.
Math object: math.random(), math.round(9.8), math.pow(), math.floor().
parseInt(), parseFloat()
- store a value and give it a name.
- let
- const - can't change value once declared.
- cannot redclare once declared.
- var - old way to declare.
let hens = 72;
hens = heans + 1;
//also use unary operator
//will not work due to redeclaration.
let hens = true;
//check lenght of string type
let checkmate = "Hii imeenda!";
//positional access
const maigpies = 90;
Program Logic
{ >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=} get boolean result.
Unicode characters.
==, equality without caring about type of values.
*===, checks equality of value and type.
if (sth here){this happens};
if (first condition), else if (other conditions)
else (when nothing else matches)
Nesting: one can nest conditionals.
Ternary operator.
Truthy and Falsy value
all values ahave an inherent truthy or falsy boolean value.
falsy values: false, 0, empty string " ", null, undefined, NaN.
Logical operators
AND: && : both sides must be true.
OR: || : either must be true.
NOT: ! : opposite
operator precedence: NOT, AND, OR
let rating = 2;
if (rating === 3) {
console.log('You are a superstar!!');
else if (rating === 2) {
console.log('Meets expectations!!');
//if nothing above ran
else {
console.log('We tried though right!')
let day = 4;
switch (day) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
console.log("Try again!")
//ternary operator
condition ? expIfTrue: expIfFalse
- ordered collection of values
- also indexed like strings,
- are mutable.
- can nest arrays in arrays
Array Methods
- array.push(sth here). //add to end. mutates the array
- array.pop() //removes last item and returns it to you, mutates too
- array.unshift() //add to the beginning
- array.shift() //removes first el. returns it.
- array.concat(arr2) //merge arrays
- array.includes(item) //returns boolean
- array.indexOf() //returns index, -1 if not found
- array.join() // returns a single string of el. can join with . , #
- array.reverse() //reverse and array inplace
- array.slice(2,5) //returns part of array as specified. exclude upper limit
- array.splice(start, deletecount, replacement) //remove, replace array el's
- array.sort() //inplace sort by utf-8 string codes, pass compare functions
Reference types
Value type variable
Reference type variable
const declaration can change contents not reference
// compare a current assignment on new assignment trial???
let shoppingList = ['cereal', 'mukimo', 'chocolate'];
shoppingList[1] = "pumpkin";
- collections of properties.
- properties are a key-value pair.
- access data using keys rather than index
- {} - object literal
- nest objects too like arrays
- object equality, tied to reference location, hence not equal.
const fitBitData = {
totalMiles: 90,
location: 'POPO',
time: '3.3'
//access data out of object.
//can load objects using same syntax
fitBitData['lunar'] = 'leo';
- doing things repeatedly
- for(init: condition to run: operation: )
for (let i = 1; i<=10; i++ ){
console.log('Hello', i)
Loop over array, string using length as the index.
Can nest loops
While loop
ideal for checking against a certain condition.
let j = 0;
while (j < 10) {
cleaner version of for loop
Objects are ot iterable by default so need to access the Object.keys(objectname) to make it iterable.
loop over properties of an object
- reusable procedures, modularise code.
- function statement
- can nest functions inside other functions
function fname(){
const fname = function(){
arguments vs parameters
return statement, functions do not automatically have a return value unless explicitly declared as a return value.
return statement halt execution of a function.
Function scope
let/const and var have different scoping rules.
lexical scope
function expressions since functions are objects too.
Higher order functions
functions that operate on other functions, accept functions as arguments and also return values
Callback functions
function passed into another function as an argument, which is then invoked inside the outer function.
used commonly with anonymous functions
let/const(does not) vs var(does) behaviour.
function declarations are hoisted vs function expressions are not.
Array Callback Functions
- For...each
- passed function is called for each element in the array.
- Map
- creates a new array with the results of calling a callback on every element in the array
- Find
- finds and retrieves value of first result that matches provided testing function
- Filter
- creates a new array with all elements that pass test implemented by passed function.
- Every
- tests whether all elements in array pass the provided function, returns boolean value.
- Some
- tests whethe any of the elements in array passes the provided function, also returns boolean.
- Sort
- pass in a compare function,comp(a,b) result compared to 0
- mutates array in place.
- Reduce
- executes a reducer function on each element of the array
- array.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {sum, max_value, min_value, }, init value)
- can use an object as an initial value.
//arrow functions
const arrow = (y) => {
return y*y;
const arrow = y => y*y;
More Js features
- Default values
- function(a, b=1)
- should come at the end.
- Spread
- allows an iterable to be expanded in places where zero or more arguments or elements are expected.
- used in function calls, array literals, object literals.
- max(...num)
- Rest
- same syntax as spread but different use.
- collects all remaining arguments of the function call.
- not an array-like object but a real array.
- should be the last parameter, and can be used with arrow functions.
- Destructuring
- capture elements from an iterable/compound element.
- const [name, age, group] = data
- array, objects, function definition
- Shorthand syntax of naming variables as their result type.
- Computed properties
- syntax: [user]: 'Admin'
- Methods
- can add functions as properties on objects, this are called methods
- dont have to add name to the key:value pair of object.
- Keyword THIS.
- object reference to current execution scope.
- variable declaration with var added to global window scope but not let and const.
- value of this depends on invocation context of the function it is used in.
- arrow functions don't get their own execution context
- leftside.function_call()....leftside = context of this.
- arrow functions get this context from the context right above.
Asynchronous code
- Call Stack
- Js is single threaded.
- Browser via Cpp does the setInterval kind of operations.
- Callback Hell
- Promises
- object representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation.
- creating promises
- new Promise(resolve, reject) => {};
- .then() is called when the promise resolves.
- .catch() is called when the promise is rejected.
- in-between those states the promise status is pending.
- can create a function that returns a promise
- can have data in resolve(data) that can be accessed on resolve/rejection
- chaining .then() enabled if the first function returns a promise.
- consuming promises
Sending Requests
- data format
- XmlHttpRequest
- Fetch
- promise based.
- content of response is a readablestream.
- only reject on network failure but never on status code i.e 404, 500
- manually throw an error to activate .catch()
Async Functions
- async functions always return a promise
- promise resolves with the return value, else rejected i.e when exception thrown
- await keyword used inside the async function
- can use a try and catch block over it to catch errors or chain .catch() on the function call itself
- sequential vs parallel asyncs and awaits
- in parallel execution, use Promise.All() to resolve multiple promises.
- prototypes are template objects which are shared among structures of the same type, used to share methods
- array.prototype, string.prototype, object.prototype
- Factory functions
- function build an object then returns it at the end
- Constructor function
- define a function.
- use the new keyword
- creates a blank, plain javascript object
- links (sets constructor of) this object to another object
- passes newly created object from step 1 as the this context
- retruns this if the functions does not return its own object
- access the prototype object and add methods on it, dont use arrow functions
- Class syntax
- check in code sample
- simpler version implementation of constructor function
- use of keyword
- use also of super() keyword to re-use constructor function of extended class.
async function make() {
//this is a promise returning function
//class definition
class Car {
constructor(args here){
How Js Works
How Names work
How Numbers work
- Js has one number type.
- Borrowed from the IEEE standard for Floating-point Arithmetic.
- Js number is close to the Java double, its a 64 bit binary floating point type.
- Contains a sign bit, 11 exponent bits and 53 significand bits.
- NaN represents values that are not numbers although typeof(NaN) = number
- NaN === NaN = false, to test for it use Number.isNaN(value) = true or Number.isFinite(value) = false.
- Number is a function that makes numbers, don't use new keyword with Number as it returns a object.
- Number is also a container of constants,(EPSILON, MAX_SAFE INTEGER, isInteger, MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE)
- Js is capable of exact integer arithmetic so long as all values and results and intermediate results are integers that lie between -MSI and MSI.
- Use Number.isSafeInteger(number) to check, Number.isInteger().
- Number.MAX_VALUE() equal to max_safe integer * 2 ** 971 or 1 followed by 308.
- Number.MIN_VALUE equal to 2 ** -1074.
- Number.prototype is an object that all numbers inherit from and contains a set of methods.
- Bitwise operators - operate on Js numbers by converting them to signed 32 bit ints, performing bitwise ops then converting them back.
- Hazardous as prone to loosing 22 high order bits. Preferrable to operate on 54 bits
- Math object contains all the functions that should have been built in Number: trunc, floor, min, max, random.
- Js isbad at handling decimal fractions.
- Floating point systems come with functions that convert between the internal binary representation and external decimal that we insist on using.
- Fp: represent one number as two numbers: coefficient or mantissa contains the digits, the second number: exponent identifies where the decimal point should be inserted in the first number.
- Try working as much as possible in the safe integer range(i.e convert money values into cents)
How Big Integers work
- *will revisit
How Big Floating point works
- *will revisit
How Big Rationals work
- *will revisit
How Booleans work
- Usually generated by the comparison operators, manipulated by the logical operators, and consumed by the ternary operator and the conditional part of if, do, for and while.
- Avoid mixing types when doing comparisons, bring your own discipline on this don't rely on Js
- Never use == or !=
- Falsy values: false, null, undefined, "", 0, NaN, all others are truthy including empty objects, empty arrays and strings.
How Arrays work
- Ignoring performance issues, objects can do all that arrays do.
- Js arrays are really objects.
- Arrays differ slightly from objects in four ways
- arrays have a magical length property.
- Arrays inherit from the array.prototype which contains a much better collection of methods than object.prototype.
- Arrays are produced using array literals []
- JSON treats arrays and objects very different even though Js treats them the same.
- Use the Array.isArray(value) as opposed to object to tell.
- Initialize
- []
- new Array(integers).... can add conditions after this i.e new Array().fill()
- Identical arrays are only equal if they are the same array.
- Arrays have methods that act on an array as a stack, pop and push, shift and unshift
- Searching
- indexOf
- lastIndexOf
- includes()
- Reducing
- reduces an array into a single value, takes a function that takes two arguments, reduce calls that function with pairs of values until there is a single value.
- initial value is always 0
- design a reduce function
- Iterating
- forEach(), calls function for each element of the array.
- every, some, find, findIndex, filter, map
- Sorting
- sorts in place, harmful
- default sort algorithm arranges values as strings, even if they are numbers.
- pass in comparison function to sort()
- Potpourri
- Concat()
- Join() - takes in an array of string and s separator string.
- Split() - inverse of join()
- Reverse() - reverses inplace
- Slice() - makes copy of array
How Objects work
- Everything in javascript is an object except null and defined.
- Container of properties, each having a name and value, name being a string and value being of any type.
- In other languages called a hash table, map, record, struct, associative array, dictionary
- Object literal creates a value that can be stored in a variable, or object or array or passed to a function or returned to a function.
- Access properties using name value i.e .name or using [] notation.
- use delete operator removes specified property.
- Complex data structures can be built out of objects because references to objects can be stored in objects....graphs and cyclic structures.
- Matching of keys is case sensitive.
- Object.assign function can copy the properties from an object to another, you can make a copy of an object by passing it an empty object. Object.assign({}, objName);
- Objects can be made that inherit from other objects, Object.create(prototype) takes an existing object and returns a new object that inherits from the existing object.
- Any object can be the prototype of a new object, and so on, prototype chain can be as long as needed.
- Access of any property flows through the prototype chain till value or undefined, when assigning only top-most is changed.
- Most popular use of prototype is to store functions even JS itself does this, when using object/array/string/function literals, that object inherits from their prototypes.
- Because of prototype chain, there exists two types of properties, own(top-most) and inherited(chain).
- obj.hasOwnProperty(value) check if exists and if owned.
- JSON.stringify(obj) return the object as a string as opposed to the .toString
- Object.keys(obj) takes all the keys of the own and not the inherited and returns them as a string.
- Object.freeze(obj) makes object immutable, top level freeze and not deep freeze.
- Object.freeze(obj) works different to the const keyword...operate on values vs on variables, check assigments across.
- Prototypes and freezing do not mix.
- Weakmap - object that allows objects as keys but not strings. new Weakmap()
- Weakmap has better security and memory leak protection that Map.
How Strings work
- Mapping of characters onto integers was one of the important advances in computer tech.
- Immutable array of 16 bit unsigned integers from 0 to 65535.
- Made with the String.fromCharCode(ints)
- Strings are immutable/ frozen
- Concat using the + operator
- Template string literals
- Tokenization: editors, code decorators, static analyzers, macro processors, minifiers
- Js is very difficult to tokenize due to nested literals.
How Bottom values work
- Special values that indicate end of a recurisve data structure or the absence of a value.
- i.e Nil, Null, Nothing
- Js has two, null and undefined. also NaN.
- Js seems to prefer undefined, an uninitialized var is undefined, passing less args into functions, non property of an object, array element too.
How Statements Work
- We can sort many PLs into expression languages and statement languages, statement language has both an expression only has expressions.
- Js is a statement language
- Js: let, const, function
- Let declares a new variable in the new scope, allows destructuring.
- Function declarations get hoisted, hence should not be placed inside a block i.e conditionals.
- const has to be initialized, works on variables(references to values) and not values.
- Js expression types: assignments, invocations and delete.
- Js allows any epxression to appear in a statement position.
- An object can be used as an alternative to the switch statement.
- Branching: if, else, switch
- Looping: for, while(checks condition at the top), do(checks at the bottom)
- The best way to write loops is to use tail recursion.
- Disruption: alter control flow, break, continue, throw and return.
How Functions Work
- Grace Murray Hopper developed a routine called A-0
- Function takes a parameter list and a body, which is a list of statements.
- Excess arguments igonored, missing are undefined.
- ...spread, in argument list, in parameter list.
- Activation object is created on function call, its a hidden data structure that holds the information and bindings that function needs to execute and the return address of the activation of the calling function.
- As opposed to C which allocates activation objects on a stack, Js uses a heap.
- They are not automatically deactivated when functions return, instead the activation object can survive as long as there is a reference to it until GC kicks in.
- Activation object contains:
- A reference to the function object
- A reference to the activation object of the caller, used by return to give control back.
- Resumption information used to continue execution after a call, usually the address of the instruction that is immediately after a function call.
- The parameters of the function, initialized with arguments.
- The variables of the function, initialized with undefined.
- Temporary variables that the function uses to evaluate complex expressions.
- this, might be reference to the object of interest if the function object was called as a method.
- A function object is like ordinary mutable objects in that it can be a container of properties, ideally should be immutable.
- A function object also contains two hidden properties
- A reference to the functions' executable code.
- A reference to the activation object that was active at the time the function object was created, this is what makes closure possible, a function can use that hidden property to access the variables of the function that created it.
- Free variables(outside function) vs bound variables(inside function)
- Functions can be nested, with inner containing reference to activation object of outer. Closure
How Generators Work
- What the code does is very different from how the code looks.
- They produce a function object that produces an object that contains a next method that is made of the function* body.
- It ahs a yield operator that resembles a return statement, but it doesnt produce the expected value, instead produces an object that contains a value property that contains the expected value.
- Outer fn is factory, inner is generator
How Exceptions Work
- Failure is signalled by a throw statement
- try {yes} catch
- Every statement in a function could have its own try and its own catch.
- Exception management does not impose a perf penalty on correctly running programs.
- Js compiler produces a catchmap for every function that it compiles.
- If not catchmap doesnot match anything on the call stack it throws an uncaught exception.
- Exceptions should be used for problems not anticipated, not communicate normal results.
How Programs Work
- Js is delivered to execution site in source form.
- There are objects and functions made available automatically to every source unit: Number, Array, Object, String, Math
- Global scope vs Module scope.
- Module should export one thing, typically a function or object full of functions, an exportation is an interface, should be simple and clean.
- A good module hides its implementation.
- Cohesion and coupling
- References
- Structured design
How this
- Reference Smalltalk's dialect Self implementation of prototypes.
- Prototypes are objects.
- Access on the value of a property an object does not have is undefined unless inherited from a prototype which is then that prototype's property value.
- Most common use of prototypes is as a store of methods.
- How does a function in a prototype know which object to work on, enter
. - A method call is a ternary operator using .,() or .,[]
- object of interest
- method name
- argument list
- *Try to program this free in Js.
How Class free Works
- Think of a method name and its arguments as a message, calling the method sends message to the object.
- Each object has its own behaviour that is triggered when it receives particular messages.
- Polymorphism: every obejct that recognises a particular message is eligible to receive it.
- Inheritance is good for simple objects, anything else tight coupling erodes advantages.
- Classes tend to be bad modules
types are like weight loss diets, gets credit for weight lost, not that weight that goes back on and increases
.- Do type costs exceed the weight??
- A constructor is a function that returns a object, constructor's parameters and variables become the private properties of the object.
- Constructors inner functions become the object's methods, they close over the private properties.
- Two types of objects
- Hard objects containing only methods. defend integrity of data held in closure, giving us polymorphism and encapsulation.
- Soft data objects containing only data. no behaviour. collections that an be manipulated by functions.
- Constructor composition
How Tail Calls Work
- A tail call happens when the last thing a function does is return the result of calling a function.
- Its a optimisation in that one instruction, jmp replaces the call and return instructions.
- A tail call is like a goto with arguments but without any of the dangers of the goto.
- Big difference is that If the A.O is big enough, we do not need to allocate for another, we can reuse the current A.O
- The reduction of time in memory allocation and garbage collection can be significant.
- With tail call optimization, recursive function can be as fast as loops.
- *write a tail recursive function
- Recursive functions will generally be more elegant, passing updated state in parameters and return values instead of using assignments.
- A call is a tail call if the value a function returns is returned.
- A tail call in a try block can not be optimized as it might send control back to this invocation's catch and for that the references need to be maintained not optimized away.
- Debugging can be optimized to either accomodate or complement the tail call features.
How Purity Works
- Purity is corrupted by mutation
- A pure functions result is determined only by its inputs.
- Pure functions have extremely loose coupling, strong cohesion and are very composable.
- They are much easier to test.
- Since they have no side effects and no external dependencies or influences, its easy to assemble them into larger, more complex functions that can be pure and composable as well.
- Pure functions can make threads safe and efficient.
- Parallelization of pure functions is the feature we all need in JS.
- Impurities in Js
How Eventual Programming Works
- In the beginning there was sequential programming.
- Typical feature of sequential programming was blocking input and output, FOTRAN i/o model.
- Concurrency: ability to do multiple things at once.
- Homogeneous concurrency: provide support for many similar operations happening at the same time.
- Heterogeneous concurrency: supports the cooperation of specialized processes that each has a different responsibility, but that all work as a team.
- Threads
- Computational load can change the interleaving of instructions, leading to temporary bugs in threads.(tests and types do not help)
- An eventual function is a function that returns immediately, possibly before the work that is requested of it is finished.
- The result will be communicated eventually in the future through a callback function or message send, but not as immediate return value.
- This allows management of lots of activity without exposing applications to threads.
- Built on two ideas: callback functions and a processing loop.
- Callback: function that is called in the future when sth interesting happens.
- It is passed to a function that is starting or monitoring an activity.
- In more primitive systems, callback function is attached to an object that represents an activity.
- In web browsers, a callback fn is attached to a node by assigning the callback to a particular property of the DOM node or by calling an event registration method on the object.
- Processing loop is also called event loop or the message loop.
- The law of turns: never wait. never block. finish fast.
- Callback hell vs Promises vs Async/Await
- All three have a tight coupling of logic and control flow leading to poor cohesion.
- Dijsktra invented mutual exclusion, i.e semaphores.
- Synchronous means to operate on the same clock.
How Date Work
How JSON Work
- "name" to work around the ES3 restricted keyword list.
- mime type: application/json
- Influence of Lisp and Rebol languages' textual representations
- Js supports JSON using two functions: parse and stringify
- Parse takes a JSON text and decodes it into Js data.
- Stringify takes a value and encodes it into a JSON text.
How Testing Work
- Testing can be used to show the presence of bug but never the absence of them.
- Thomas Alva Edison came up with the word bug, when developing the phonograph
- JSCheck tool.
How Optimizing Works
- Scale of problem can grow faster than capacity.
- Optimize your optimizing.
- Choose language features that give us programs that are readable and maintainable.
- Measure, then cut, then measure again.
- Most optimizations add complexity to the code by adding alternate paths and removing generality, making code bigger, harder to maintain and test adequately.
- Biggest Time sucks in programs
- Failure to parallelize
- Violating the law of turns
- Weak cohesiveness.
- Tight coupling
- Wrong Algorithms
- Thrashing
- Bloat
- Other people's code.
- One of the best optimization investments is the language engine.
How Transpiling Works
- Special form of compiling where one language is transformed into another, treating it as a compilation target.
- Try and avoid transpilers in production.
Stopped here to go implement the NEO language that follows in the book
From Browser Implementations
- Always initialise your objects in the same way, so they dont end up having different shapes.
- Don't mess with property attributes of array elements, so they can be stored and operated on efficiently.
Javascript Algorithms
ref:Frontend Masters
- Space(memory) and Time(primitive operations) complexity
- WRT input size
- constant(O(1)) -> logarithmic(O(logn)) -> linear(O(n)) -> Quadratic(O(n^2)) -> exponential(O(k^n))
- drop the constants.
- caching vs memoization
- memoization is saving the result of function call.
- memoization with closures, privatise the cache object inside the function.
- when a function calls itself
- identify base case
- identify the recursive case
- return where appropriate
- turn loops into recursion and vice versa
- formats
- wrapper functions
- accumulator - result is passed down into each recursion.
- closure is a function that is called inside another function.
Divide and Conquer
- Binary Search
- cut in half
- sorted
- Linear search
- time complexity is linear
- Comparison sorts
- Naive sorts
- keep looping and comparing values until the list is sorted.
- Bubble sort
- compare adjacent items and swapping till sorted
- Insertion sort
- Selection sort
- Bubble sort
- keep looping and comparing values until the list is sorted.
- Divide and Conquer sort
- recursively divide lists and sort smaller parts of the list until entire list is sorted
- Mergesort
- recusively merge sorted sub-lists
- Quicksort
- Mergesort
- recursively divide lists and sort smaller parts of the list until entire list is sorted
- Naive sorts
Greedy Algorithms
- making the locally optimal choice.
Brute Force
- alternate to greedy where you go through all the combination of possible solutions
Dynamic Programming
- cache values to avoid repeated calculations.
- top-down recursive technique
- bottom-up iterative technique
- memoised called are constant time look-up.
- correctly identify the subproblems, memoize the results, if need to solve again, look up the results.
- subproblem dependencies should be acyclic otherwise one gets infinite algorithms.
- when cyclic, make graph acyclic, this however increases number of subproblems.
- time = # of problems + time per problem
- you can incorporate space complexity by deleting all but last 2 when computing another one.
- Shortest paths problem: guessing technique
- 5 general steps in DP
- Define subproblems, count them too
- Guess(part of the solution), # choices for guesses
- Relate subproblems solutions, time/subproblem
- Recurse and Memoize or build DP table bottom-up, check subprob recurrence is acyclic, has topological order.
- Solve original problem, combining may take some time.
- Look into text justification problem.
- Parent pointers: remember what guess was the best