You cannot find ready-made solutions for every occasion, but if you understand inner mechanismsof a complex system, you will be able to analyze and critically evaluate other people's experience and come at your own conclusions.
Concepts covered here:
- Buffers
- Streams
- File system
- Event emitters
- Module system
- UDP/Datagram - sockets
- OS, Path
- Child Processes, Worker Threads
- Deploying
- Debugging
- Async and Perf hooks.
- V8
What is NodeJS?
- Built in Cpp
- A nodejs app runs in a single process, without creating a new thread for every request.
- Provides a set of asynchronous i/o primitives in its standard library that prevent Js code from blocking.
- Libraries in nodejs are written using non-blocking paradigms, making blocking the exception rather than the norm.
- Allows node to handle thousands of concurrent connections with a single server without introducing burden of managing thread concurrency.
- Javascript Engine - convert Js to Binary.
- V8 - introduced by Google.
- ECMAScript - javascript language specification.
- Embed V8 into your source code.
- Dependencies:
- Libuv - C library, abstract non-blocking I/O ops to a consistent interface cross all supported platforms.
- V8 -
- Llhttp
- C-ares
- OpenSSL
- Zlib
- Event Loop
- Setting to production:
- logging kept at a minimum, essential level
- more caching levels take place to optimise performance as opposed to recompilation.
- is a module that facilitates communication/interaction between objects in Node.
- core of Node asynchronous event-driven architecture, many of node's built-in inherit from EventEmitter including Express.js
- Emitter objects emit named events that cause previously registered listeners to be called.
- So an emitter object basically has two main features
- Emitting name events.
- Registering and unregistering listener functions.
- MyEmitter.on('eventname', c1)
- MyEmitter.emit('eventname')
- understand binary, decimals, hexadecimals.
- container that takes in data of some fixed length then sends it out.
- way to deal with raw binary data.
- always fixed size.
- great understanding of encodings.
- Each character in Hex is 4bits.
File System
- sequence of bits and depending on encoding could represent different things.
- file data - metadata of a file.
- Three ways to create a file
- Promises API.
- Callback API.
- Synchronous API - blocks main thread.
- Async generator / iterator.
- Open - save a file descriptor.
- Watch functionality.
- Defn: An abstract interface for working with streaming data in Node.js.
- Data streaming.
- Writable streams
- Readable streams
- Duplex / Transform Streams
- create file -> create writestream -> create buffer -> point stream to buffer.
- 16KB chunks.
- Internal buffer - 16384 bytes, (stream.writableHighWaterMark), (stream.writableLength) - get filled space in buffer.
- Has events, properties and methods to it.
- reduce number of writes as waiting for buffer to fill before writing out.
- Drain before writing more.
- Read and Write streams have one internal buffer.
- writableLength should never be larger than writableHighWaterMark as this will lead to extreme buffering.
- Watch and compare memory impact of different implementations.
- Duplex Stream - Has Readable Internal buffer, Writable Internal buffer.
- Transform Stream --> read from Readable buffer process data then write to Writable buffer.
- Networking card come with unique MAC address. hex number.
- packet - data container. sent via switch to other computer.
- source and destination fields on the packet.
- Routers - work with IP addresses(unique to each device on network).
- Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- - loop back address / localhost.
- Ports on addresses have to be configured to do sth.
- Network Layers
- Physical layer --> Cable, Bits, Signal, Binary Transmission.
- Data Link layer --> Cable, Frames, MAC Addresses
- Network layer --> IP Addresses, Packets, Path Determination
- Transport layer --> Segments, End-to-End connections, UDP/TCP
- Application layer --> Data
OSI Model
- current cables can move upto 1GB per second.
- net module base of all networking on node.
- data is received as exactly it was sent.
- three way handshake
- Headers
- source port.
- destination port(16 bits)
- sequence number(32 bits)
- ack numbers(32 bits)
- Other headers
- Headers
- source port(16 bits)
- destination port(16 bits)
- segment length(16 bits)
- checksum(16 bits)
- data prefers speed, highly lossy data, video, audio.
- Headers