Programming languages backend

Everything behind the programming language syntax and semantics

  • A language feature is defined by its statics, the rules governing the use of the feature in a program, and its dynamics, the rules defining how programs using this feature are to be executed. The concept of safety emerges as the coherence of the statics and the dynamics of a language.

  • Formal language for expressing computation and designed to be expressive, concise and clear.

I emphasize to students that my goal is for them to learn how to learn a programming language, rather than to
retain detailed specifics of any one programming language.

There is a tendency to prefer constructions that are simplest in that language rather than those that are best for the mac

  1. Syntax — the form of programming languages.
  2. Semantics — the meaning of programming languages.
  3. Pragmatics — the implementation of programming languages/ how semantics are implemented/computed.

Static Single Assignment Instruction Set Architecture Interpreters vs Compilers / both build an internal model of the structure and meaning of the program. / major con of interpreter is when you have to do the same thing more than once, ran translator more than once. / Just-In-Time try to provide the best of both worlds....warm and hot code. / The difference in execution between interpreted and compiled native code is called the interpretive overhead. / :caused by parsing, semantic analysis or for byte-code interpreters instruction decoding and instruction dispatch.


  • This is a tool that translates software written in one language into another language all while understanding both the form or syntax and content or meaning of the input language.

  • It needs to understand the rules that govern syntax and meaning in the output language... and finally a scheme for mapping content from the source language to the target language.

  • The compiler must preserve the meaning of the program being compiled. / how is said "meaning" determined.

  • The compiler must improve the input program is some discernable way.

Parts of a compiler

  • Scanning/Lexing/Lexical Analysis

    • takes in the linear stream of characters and chunks them together into a series of sth akin to "words" also called tokens.
    • tokens can be single characters or several characters long.
    • whitespace and comments discarded.
  • Parsing

    • this is where our syntax gets a grammar, ability to compose larger expressions and statements out of smaller parts.
    • takes the flat sequence of tokens and builds a tree structure that mirrors the nested nature of the grammar.
    • this is the parse tree or the abstract syntax tree.
    • parser's job is to also provide syntax errors.
  • Static Analysis

    • First 2 stages are pretty much the same across all implementations.
    • Individual characteristics of a language start coming into play.
    • Only syntactic structure of the code is known at this stage.
    • First bit of analysis is binding or resolution, for-each identifier we find out where that name is defined and we wire them together.
    • This is where scope comes into play.
    • If the language is statistically typed, this is when we type check.
    • Once we know where they are declared, we can also figure their types and report a type error when declared operations aren't allowed between types.
    • All semantic insight that is visible to us (gleaned) from analysis needs to be stored somewhere.
    • They are often stored right back as attributes on the syntax tree itself, in fields left uninitialized during parsing.
    • Can also be stored in a look-up table off to the side, keys to this table being identifiers(name of vars and declarations): symbol table.
    • Most powerful bookkeeping tool is to transform the tool into an entirely new data structure that more expresses semantics of the code.
  • Everything upto here is considered the Front-end.

  • Intermediate representation(IR)

    • Compiler can be thought of as a pipeline where the preceding stage organises code in a simpler way for the next stage.
    • Front end is source language oriented while backend is destination architecture oriented.
    • In the middle, the code may be stored in some intermediate representation that isn't tied to either source or destination forms. IR acts an interface between the two languages.
    • Lets you support multiple source languages and target platforms with less effort.
  • Optimization

    • Once we understand what the user's program means, we are free to swap it out with a different program that has the same semantics but implements them more efficiently, we optimize it.
    • Simple example is constant folding. If some expression always evaluates to the exact same value, we can do the evaluation at compile time and replace the code for the expression with its result.
    • Optimization is a huge part of the pl business.
    • constant propagation, common subexpression elimination, loop invariant code motion,global value numbering,strength reduction,scalar elimination of aggregates.
  • Code Generation

    • Conversion into form that the machine can actually run.
    • Primitive assembly like instructions a CPU runs.
    • Decision:: Do we generate instructions for a real CPU or a virtual one???
    • Native code is lightning fast but generating it is alot of work.
    • Today's archs have piles of instructions, complex pipelines and lots of historical baggage.
    • Compiler can easily get bogged down in chip's arch leading to lack of portability.
    • Martin Richards and Niklaus Wirth of BCPL and Pascal fame made their compilers produce virtual machine code.
    • Instead of instructions for some real chip, they produced code for hypothetical, idealized machine.
    • Called p-code for portable but referred to as bytecode as each instruction is often a single byte long.
    • Can be thought of as a dense binary encoding of the language's low-level operations.
    • The further down the pipeline you push the architecture specific work, the easier it is to share earlier phases across architectures.
    • Optimizations like register allocation and instruction selection work best when they know the strengths and capabilities of a specific chip.
    • Figuring out which parts of the compiler to share and which are target-specific is an art.
  • Virtual Machine

    • Once bytecode is generated, one needs to translate as it can not be executed.
    • They are Vms because they permit step-by-step execution of programs.
    • They are virtual as they are not implemented in h/w and omit lots of real h/w machine details.
    • Implement a mini-compiler for each architecture that converts the bytecode to native for that machine code.
    • Relatively simple here as you can reuse the rest of the pipeline, bytecode here acts as a IR.
    • Also implement a vm, a program that emulates a hypothetical chip supporting your virtual arch at runtime.
    • Running bytecode in a VM is slower than translating to native code aot because every instruction must be simulated at runtime each time it executes(implementation overhead).
    • In return you get simplicity and portability.
    • Implement your Vm in C and you can run your language on any platform that has a C compiler.
    • Easier to be formally proven correct.
    • Easy to implement profiling and debugging.
    • Desing choices to made.
    • Components
      • Program store.
      • Execution state.
      • Runtime system component: memory allocator / garbage collector.
  • Runtimes

    • If compiles to machine code, we can tell OS to load the executable and off it goes.
    • If compiled to bytecode, we start up Vm and load program into it.
    • In both cases, other language services needed while program is running are provided i.e garbage collection, instance-of tests.
    • In a fully compiled language,the code implementing the runtime gets inserted directly into the resulting executable.
  • Shortcuts and Alternate Routes

    • other techniques used as opposed to the long path described above

    • Single-pass compilers

      • Some simple compilers interleave parsing, analysis and code generation so that they produce output code directly in the parser without allocating syntax trees or other IRs.
      • These single passes restrict the design of the language as no intermediate data structures to store global information and can't revisit any previously parsed of the code.
      • Pascal and C designed around this limitation.
    • Tree-walk interpreters

      • PLangs start executing code right after parsing it to an AST with static analysis applied.
      • Execution is through traversing the syntax tree one branch and leaf at a time, evaluating each node as it goes.
      • common for student projects and little languages.
    • Transpilers

      • Treat some other source language as if it was an IR.
      • Source-to-source compiler or a transcompiler.
    • Just-in-time compilation

      • Reserved for experts.
      • Compile it for the architecture at hand.
      • Use profiling hooks.
  • Front-end -> deals with the source language. / to check syntax the compiler must compare the program's structure against a definition of the language. / requires a formal definition, efficient mechanism for testing whether definition is met and how to procede on illegal input. / Parsing - Language level recognition, grammatical structure in stream of tokens. / Lexer, Scanner - Vocabulary level recognition, structure in a stream of characters.

  • Back-end -> deals with the target language. / selects target-machine operations to implement each IR operation. / chooses order in which operations will execute efficiently. / decided which values will reside in memory and which ones will be in registers and asserts those choices.

  • Middle -> Formal structure for representing the program in an IR whose meaning is language independent.

CS ideas in Compilers

  • Greedy algorithms(register allocation)
  • Heuristic search techniques(list scheduling)
  • Graph algorithms(dead-code algorithms)
  • Dynamic programming(instruction selection)
  • Finite automata and push-down automata(scanning and parsing)
  • Fixed-point algorithms(Data flow analysis)
  • Dynamic allocation, Synchronization, Naming, Locality, Memory hierarchy management and Pipeline scheduling.

Compiler Types

  • Single-pass compilers.
  • Multi-pass compilers.
  • Optimising compilers.
  • Load-and-go compilers.
  • Interactive compilers.

RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computing / introduced a "load and store" architecture. / led to more instructions but were executed faster. / more instructions led to need for more memory, aided by reducing prices of memory.

Garbage Collection

  • Fully concurrent garbage collection is the future of automatic memory management.
  • I'm talking garbage collectors that run in other threads and clean up after me without ever stopping me in the middle of what I'm doing.



  • Ahead of Time.
  • Most straightforward compilers are ahead-of-time.
  • Also known as Static Compilation.


  • Just in Time.
  • also called dynamic translation.
  • is a hybrid of compiled and interpreted languages, runs interpreted first then notices the "hot" code which it then compiles in order to optimize.
  • Trace based vs Method based.
    • Trace:
      • Analyses what paths(traces) are often used, and to which methods they belong, more efficient and more overhead.
    • Method / Tiering:
      • Only analyses the calls, less efficient and less overhead.
  • Disadvantage:
    • Memory usage and warmup time.
      • Memory usage: you have to have both the compiled and interpreted version stored in memory.
      • Also has to keep information about the method i.e number of times called, arguments, times spent.
      • Warmup time: has to recognize that a method is called a lot and then take time to compile it.
  • Assumed goal of avoiding premature optimization.
  • Loops and Functions are typical candidates for optimizations.
  • JIT is good for programs that run for a long time, background and network servers.
  • e.g Ionmonkey(Mozilla)


  • Necessary for efficient optimizations.
  • Sampling based(statistical approach,less precise and very efficient) or Event based(only triggered by certain events)
  • Call graph
  • Event tracing
  • Static and Dynamic
  • Static Optimizations
    • Dead code elimination
    • Constant folding and propagation
    • Loop-Invariant code motion.
  • Hotspot detection
  • Method Inlining
  • Range check elimination.

Translator classification and structure

  • Translators main function is to change the representation of an algorithm from one form to another and not execute it.
  • T-diagrams are used to describe translators.
  • T-diagrams were first introduced by Bratman(1961) and further refined by Earley and Sturgis.

Classes of translators

  • Assembler: map low-level language instructions into machine code which can then be executed directly.

  • Macro-assembler: variation of the above but map into a sequence of machine-level instructions, extend the assembly language.

  • Compiler: translators that map high-level language instructions into machine code.

  • Pre-processor: translators that perform simple text substitutions before translations take place.

  • High-level translator: map one high-level language into another.

  • Decompiler/disassembler: refers to translators that take object code and try to regenerate source code at a higher level.

  • Self-resident translators(generate code for their host machines) vs Cross translators (generate code for other machines in addition to host)

  • Load-and-go translators.

  • Sequential conjuction or Short-circuit approach to handling compound Boolean expressions.

Code Generator

  • decide memory locations for data, generating code to access such locations, selecting registers for intermediate calculations and indexing etc.


  • Error handler, error reporter, error recovery and error correction.
  • Error recovery is when the translation process attempts to carry on after detecting an error and error correction/repair when it attempts to correct the error from context.
  • Error detection at compile-time in the source code must not be confused with error detection at run-time when executing the object code.
  • Many code generators are responsible for adding error-checking code to the program, can be rudimentary or heavy.
  • Such code can drastically reduce the efficiency of a program.
  • Mistaked detected at compile-time are known as errors while those that show up at run-time are exceptions

Cross-compilation vs Bootstrapping

  • The process of modifying an existing compiler to work on a new machine is called porting the compiler.
  • Self-compiling compilers

Simple machine architecture

  • Many CPU chips used in modern computers have one or more internal registers or accumulators, which may be regarded as highly local memory where simple arithmetic and logical ops may be performed and between which local data transfers may take place.
  • Fundamental register is the instruction register through which moves the bytes representing the fundamental machine-level instructions that processor can obey.
  • Instructions can be extremely simple i.e "clear a register" or "move a byte from one register to another".
  • Program counter or Instruction pointer is used to keep track of the address in memory of the next instruction to be fed to the processor's instruction register.

Address modes

  • Three-address code
    • An opcode(operation code) is followed by two operands and a destination.
    • operation destination, operand, operand
  • Two-address code
    • An operand is followed by one operand and one destination.
    • operation destination, operand
  • One-address code
    • Common in accumulator machines.

Formal Languages

  • Metalanguage
    • A language used to describe another language. i.e English is a kinda metalanguage.
  • Syntax rules:
    • Describe the form.
  • Semantic rules:
    • Describe the meaning.
  • Backus-Naur-Form


  • Set of rules for describing sentences.
  • Grammar =
    • N - a finite set of non-terminal symbols.
    • T - a finite set of terminal symbols.
    • S - a special goal or start or distinguished symbol.
    • P - a finite set of production rules or simply, productions.

Static Analysis

  • This is a way to check your code without running it.
  • How to go about it.
    • Deciding what you want to check for.
    • Deciding how exactly to check for it.
    • Implementation details

Misc Notes on Rust

  • Use-after-free errors.
  • Data races - unsynchronized access to shared memory(where at least one is a write).
  • Ownership type system == affine or substructural
  • ...placing restrictions on which aliases(references) to an object may be used to mutate it at any given point in the program's execution
  • rich set of APIs: concurrency abstractions, efficient data structures, memory management.
  • Iteration invalidation(usually internally implemented as a pointer) - ds being iterated over is mutated during iteration.
  • GC languages: memory only deallocated when it can no longer be used by the program. Avoid interior pointers (pointers into ds)
  • To make them addressable, they need to be separate objects, references to which can now be strored in the array.
  • Parameters are passed by value but copy are shallow.
  • Memory management is automatic with the rules hence no need for a garbage collector.
  • Mutable references: provide temporary ownership, borrowing
  • Pass by value: Ownership transfer, Passed by Ref: Borrowing for certain lifetime.
  • Shared reference = share read only data between multiple threads, allowed to co exist in same lifetime as long as both are read
  • Double linked list impossible to impelement.