Reading List

Great code is software that is written using a consistent and prioritized set of good software characteristics


: Mathematics

  • Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation of Computer Science.

: System level understanding

  • Write Great Code series
  • The secret life of strings
  • Low level programming
  • How Computers really work

: Operating System

  • Operating Systems Three Easy Pieces.
  • Writing a simple Operating system from scratch.

: Assembly Language

  • Assembly64
  • Introduction to 64bit Intel Assembly Language Programming for Linux

: Compilers

  • Language Applications
  • Principles of Compilers A New Approach to Compilers

: Virtual Machines

: Rust

: C Language

  • Advanced C and C++ compiling.
  • Problem Solving in Data Structures and Algorithms using C

: The Art of Computer Programming (Blueprint)

  • Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms. Chapter 1. Basic Concepts Chapter 2. Information Structures

  • Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms. Chapter 3. Random Numbers Chapter 4. Arithmetic

  • Volume 3: Sorting and Searching. Chapter 5. Sorting Chapter 6. Searching

  • Volume 4: Combinatorial Algorithms. Chapter 7. Combinatorial Searching Chapter 8. Recursion

  • Volume 5: Syntactical Algorithms. Chapter 9. Lexical Scanning Chapter 10. Parsing

  • Volume 6: The Theory of Languages.

  • Volume 7: Compilers.