Type Systems

ref: Type systems for PL


  • Core topics
    • Basic operational semantics and proof techniques.
    • Untyped lambda calculus.
    • Simple type systems
    • Type reconstruction
    • Universal and existential polymorphism
    • Subtyping
    • Bounded quantification
    • Recursive types
    • Type operators

What is it Catherine??

  • A type system is a tractable syntactic method for proving the absence of certain program behaviours by classifying phrases according to the kinds of values they compute.
  • Collections of rules for checking the consistency of programs.
  • Typed vs Untyped and Strongly vs Weakly typed.
  • Earliest type systems were used for numerical calculations, differentiate between natural number valued variables and arithmetic expressions allowing compilers to use different representations and generate appropriate machine instructions for arithmetic expressions.
  • Classification extended to structured data(arrays, records) and higher-order functions, including
    • parametric polymorphism - single term used across different types. i.e sorting
    • module systems - define interfaces between parts of a large program.
    • subtyping and object types
    • specification languages and formal logics.

Applications of Type systems

  • Compiling and Optimization(static analyses)
  • Proof-carrying code
  • Security
  • Theorem proving
  • Databases
  • Y2K conversions
  • Verify protocols